Roofing Awards
The Ramos Roofing Company, top rated roofers in Colorado, is an industry recognized, award winning, and full service Colorado commercial and residential roofing contractor.

Carlisle SynTec Systems
Carlisle SynTec Systems’ Perfection Award and Perfection Council were established in 2011 as a way to recognize those Authorized Applicators who demonstrate a commitment to perfection and quality on every Carlisle installation.
Ramos Roofing is very proud of the recognition these awards represent. Our employees have done a great job producing quality installations regardless of job type or job size. They deserve all the credit for these awards.
Carlisle Perfection 10 Award
Each year, the Perfection 10 Award honors applicators whose exceptional installation quality results in a warranty claim performance that ranks in the top 5% of all U.S. and Canadian applicators.
Carlisle Perfection 10 Council
A small number of Perfection Award winners are selected to serve on Carlisle’s Perfection Council for a one-year period, acting as an advisory board to help determine how Carlisle can best support its applicator network.

Versico Roofing Systems
Versico Gold Medal Award
The Gold Medal Quality Program identifies the Versico Contractors who have set themselves apart by providing high-quality installations on a consistent basis. We are proud to honor the most elite group of roofing professionals that contribute to our commitment in providing services that promote outstanding craftsmanship and long-term quality. Our Gold Medal Quality Contractors achieve outstanding inspection ratings on a job-by-job basis and are evidence of the high standards that we set for all of our contractors and system installations.

Better Business Bureau
BBB A + Roofer
Ramos Roofing has a A + Rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB), and has won the BBB Gold Star Award multiple times for zero complaints.
Contact Ramos Roofing
To schedule a roof estimate and inspection, or for more information contact us at your earliest convenience. We provide complete commercial and residential roofing services in Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, El Paso, Jefferson, Larimer, and Weld Counties in Colorado. See our Roofing Service Areas.