Alfredo Ramos SrConsultant

    Alfredo Rámos Sr. has demonstrated commitment, excellence, and gained extensive experience while working on residential and commercial contracts through his roofing industry career.

    Alfredo Rámos Sr. began his work in the roofing industry starting in 1969 in New Mexico. Alfredo Sr. started his career and worked from 1969 until 1974 as a field labor employee for Goodrich Roofing Inc., a company based in Albuquerque, NM that has been in the industry since 1946. Rámos Sr. then became employed with Doyle Roofing Masters, Inc until 1979. These years of experience served to prepare Rámos Sr. for his work with B & M Roofing Inc. (Fort Collins, CO. / Boulder, CO.) in 1979 as installation foreman/field supervisor. Rámos worked with B & M Roofing Inc. from 1979-2002.

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